Saturday, March 22, 2014

Selling yourself is much like selling a car?

As I watch over my personal facebook at the thousands of blogs, posts, pictures of people hoping and expecting more. Life is amazing as it is something that many people wish upon or look at like it were almost a fairy tale. The greatest thing about life is that it is much like driving a car, obstacles will always be in the way, destinations will always be obtained whether it was your plan or not, your either in the driver seat or on the passenger side, but either way you will go somewhere. I find that many people now days wish for things, want for things, however the thing about life is that the whole entire design is a system in which it's aiming for you to fail. You become successful once you take the actions, make the sacrifices, and do what it takes to overcome those systems and obstacles. However the best part is it always boils down to you. In sales they say to project the image of success. Which in reality boils down to projecting the energy necessary to overcome obstacles. You have the tools, desire, will power, and you make the changes needed how could you ever loose? Then that world that people look for, hope, dream, and desire will become yours always. So in my dream of changing the way the employment process works I was asked why would anyone use video profiles, resumes, etc. My response was why wouldn't they? Energy can be projected through words however 90% is lost. If I am looking for a person to make me money. I want to know and feel their energy. I want to see what I am potentially hiring. It's much like selling a car. If I tell you about your favorite car the value is much lower than the value I am able to build by putting you inside the car, letting you see it, telling you what the vehicle will do for you, about it, and letting you feel the energy of the car by conducting a test drive. The reason the first 5 minutes gets you either hired, or in dates like I previously stated in other blogs is that they feel you and your energy. Giving a person the chance to actually sell them is the greatest gift I can possibly give the employment process. As an employer you should desire that option. After all each candidate you bring on cost you time, money, and potentially is make or break for you. You deserve the opportunity to feel them out, see them out, and determine off the best possible way that they are what you desire. 

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