I was recently asked what if I am not in the market? Fair question in many ways. My response was do you have everything you want, do you love your career and every aspect of it, is their something you dreamed of doing, have you analyzed and looked at every option. The answer was no. Just because you are not actively looking for a new position does not mean that in the back of your mind you are not curious. If an employer approached you and offered you better benefits, wage, hours, and location would you turn it down? They said no. So my question is are you in the market? The answer is obviously yes. Employme is not just for people looking for work actively however it will provide you the opportunity to sell yourself to those that may be interested to talk business. Life is really about growing and the reality of it all is that their may actually be something better out there for you. In the scope of things it really boils down to you and what is most important for you. Children's education, traveling, house, retirement, relocating to a more desired location, and the millions of things that effect your career decisions. In the end the only thing that matters is you.
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