Interviews much like first dates are determined usually in the first five minutes. Often referred to as the feeling someone out stage. How you are dressed, the way you hold yourself, confidence, what information you bring to the table that will allow for someone to become interested. The 30 min - 1 hour interview only matters if you made it past the first 5 mins. Then just like the horrible first date both parties continue to look the way out to use the infamous words we'll call you. With the first five minutes being so vital and our goal of limiting time wasted we want to provide those 5 mins and allow them to contact you for the remaining time they need. This provides a hunger for the company to know you. Less is often more in the world. I have seen it way to many times when I was selling products. So by creating a demand for you and knowledge of you we are able to match you up with the right tools to become successful in your endeavor.
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