Which the launch of Employmeinc.com launching here very soon I get some of the pressure associated with anyone who initiates change. I even watched a man verbally instigate me on the concept he is happy where he is and will always be and tried to attack the company because we are starting from the bottom and building up. Of course be happy I am proud of you. If your life is perfect then change nothing and write a book for all of us to know where we went wrong. When Martin Luther King spoke about equality many said the system they were using was ideal and perfect. However the amount of injustice, hate, violence, and intolerance that was going on was not ideal or near perfect. There are many examples of people who said life was perfect however the system they fought against was less than ideal, causing pain, and suffering. I am sure if you asked Hitler he would have said concentration camps were perfect and ideal. In a world where their are over 250 million officially unemployed, families worried about next months rent, people being unemployed for months and years who are not lazy and are fighting the battle, in a world where employers sit down face to face with me and ask me why I am even there while they invited me. People are hurting, suffering, dreams are being forgotten, and people are loosing hope. I am not asking you to turn on personal beliefs, religious beliefs, or anything major. I am asking you to change a system that has been broken in the eyes of people for a very long time. I am asking to change a system to save time and money. We are going to provide the platform for success. Nevertheless I am not nor my partner going to sit ideally by anymore and watch people hurt. Change is now and like other changes your either in or out but it will come. What do you have to loose?
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