Sunday, October 19, 2014
Check out this awesome campaign. After all it's not only about us it's about you. You deserve a chance for something better.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I was sitting on hold for a company today. The music was amazing;it sounded like soft techno, instrumental, with a hint of 90's feel. I was sitting there listening to this music and a scene flashed in my mind sitting on a couch in a VIP room, surrounded by friends, laughing, and talking about starting a band. I may have been even dancing a little not like a think you can dance kind of way or a dance off. More like a head bob kinda way with a little flow of the shoulders. The key was it was bringing a memory back in my head of good days. We all have had that time we sit and something triggers that memory, time, person, or place that we would refer as good days. How did that make you feel even for a second. We all deserve the good days. I want our company to be proud sponsors of good days and have the energy, feel, hope, and desire to bring back the good days. Lets no longer be reminded of the good days, but lets always live the good days. Register now, submit jobs, help us grow that we may fuel the change needed to break down the monotony and usher in the good days. So that each song we hear, each picture we look at, each place we visit, each family member and friends smile, every single second of our life we are truly living are the good days.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Message from CEO of

Provides the stage or platform for Employees to meet Employers while giving the opportunity to streamline the employment process, saving time and money.

Register for free

Friday, June 6, 2014

Create a free profile today, publish jobs for free for limited time... Spread the word and be discovered.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Match the personality

With the launch of Employme INC approaching I am reminiscing about the process in which we intend to change. The thing that will never change no matter what is the actual interview process. It may be streamlined, virtual, much more effective, but ultimately it's  always the same in the underlining part. They want to know two things. First and foremost how are you going to make them money and save them time and are you personable. Your personality can often play a huge part of the decision process as the people who you are interviewing with are people. The biggest suggestion I could ever give is match their tone, word choice, and personality. If they are completely professional and only talk business today you are the most professional and business like person, if they talk like you have been friends for a year then the same. People hire like people.   

Thursday, April 3, 2014

So easy anyone can!

The new design that launches in one week will make it where literally anyone can find work Employme INC

The new layout is designed the rest will follow shortly

The new layout is finished launch for the beta will be here this week. Tell us what u think Employme INC — with Liaping Donald Jr. and 2 others.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Unemployment Sucks!

One week is true beta launch... Thanks for the support and pass on everyone knows employers who are hiring, job seekers who are looking. Change is here...

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The new design so easy!

The new design that launches in one week will make it where literally anyone can find work Employme INC

Friday, March 28, 2014

First Impressions

We pushed back the launch date by one week. I was asked about this and the simple response is one of our greatest concepts is you have one chance to make a first impression. One of the philosophies behind our changes and we provide the platform for that. Just like one of our clients only has one chance at a first impression. Just like our company will provide we want that first impression to be the very best impression we can make.

Change in all of us!

Launch date has been postponed for one week. At first I was a little disappointed however in the scheme of things and especially when you are trying to have the world embrace change, you yourself must embrace change. The ending result of the site would have been less user friendly then I had originally envisioned and less catchy for employer and job seekers. So we made an executive decision to redesign we posted a couple of the designs up to get feedback and the response was nothing short of amazing we have decided to have a team of designers figure out the balance between user friendly, tablet, phone friendly, and appeal to maximize the results for everyone. In a world where things must change and advocating change we must change within ourselves and what we know. I appreciate all the support from all of you in one week everything in place. Modern appeal, technology friendly, and enticing to both parties, as well as cost effective. Win win for everyone. Keep your heads up, change will be here soon, appreciate all the comments, shares, likes, and the overall support of everyone.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Poll for site layer and design

image 1
                                image 2
                                image 3

Click here to take survey

Beta lauches and poll!

Beta launches and a poll will taken for everyone to vote on the final design. Everyone is excited for the beta or love is in the air.

It's finally here

Which the launch of launching here very soon I get some of the pressure associated with anyone who initiates change. I even watched a man verbally instigate me on the concept he is happy where he is and will always be and tried to attack the company because we are starting from the bottom and building up. Of course be happy I am proud of you. If your life is perfect then change nothing and write a book for all of us to know where we went wrong. When Martin Luther King spoke about equality many said the system they were using was ideal and perfect. However the amount of injustice, hate, violence, and intolerance that was going on was not ideal or near perfect. There are many examples of people who said life was perfect however the system they fought against was less than ideal, causing pain, and suffering. I am sure if you asked Hitler he would have said concentration camps were perfect and ideal. In a world where their are over 250 million officially unemployed, families worried about next months rent, people being unemployed for months and years who are not lazy and are fighting the battle, in a world where employers sit down face to face with me and ask me why I am even there while they invited me. People are hurting, suffering, dreams are being forgotten, and people are loosing hope. I am not asking you to turn on personal beliefs, religious beliefs, or anything major. I am asking you to change a system that has been broken in the eyes of people for a very long time. I am asking to change a system to save time and money. We are going to provide the platform for success. Nevertheless I am not nor my partner going to sit ideally by anymore and watch people hurt. Change is now and like other changes your either in or out but it will come. What do you have to loose?

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Launch Tommorrow

Tomorrow we finally sign off on the finish product of Employme INC at Change is definitely here and ready to embrace the change. It has been a long and amazing journey yet nowhere close to being finished. It is amazing seeing that our blogs have made our way to other countries. Which is however the goal. Uniting the world, one voice, one strategy, one presence, no more distance, language barriers, or completely redundant draining employment process. Change is here and it boils inside me with anticipation. I look forward to watching my people of this world achieve their dreams. More than a company a movement. Keep everyone posted and join the movement with us.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

First interview anxiety

Me and a friend were discussing first interviews today and how much they actually feel like first dates. He even told me of a story when he attended the interview at his current job he was so nervous he fixed his tie at least 500 times, cut his hair right before the interview, polished his shoes, reorganized all his paperwork about as many times as he fixed his tie. Even after all the preparation he still was nervous. Walking into a place for the first time, making sure your prepared, looking good, and embracing this life changing event in which you could never fully predict how it will go; can be very intensive. I know from personal experience that much like my friend I prepare the same way, and for me at least the most intensive part for me is wondering if they are interested. Many companies do not even tell you until very last moment if they are remotely interested. So between all the pressure initially, the interview itself, and waiting to find out if you are a candidate they are looking for can be almost unbearable especially if you have been out of the job hunting game for a while. When we came up with the ideas around which launches this week. We analyzed the employment process, determined the things we wished would happen, and things we worried about and felt when looking for a career. With the tools, resources, and change we are initiating we want to help counteract the anxiety, pressure, and put the human back into the approach. Look forward to this week and changing the world with you as partners in this endeavor.

Monday, March 24, 2014

One chance at a first impression

The key to selling yourself. In the world you can probably find at least a billion books on how to prepare yourself for an interview. The truth is no matter how much to rehearse what your going to say, act, respond will ever fully prepare you for the interview as you really have no idea what they will ask. You just kind of dress up nice, act professional, stay positive and confident, while wishing for the best. With the amount of stress, anxiety, and overall excitement can add a mountain of pressure for anyone. Your not just talking to someone. You are ultimately selling yourself and everything important in your life is riding on each of these encounters. That is a mountain of weight for anyone to carry. Which is why we decided when creating that we would do things differently. When you submit a resume you will be sending a video answering the first interview questions. Since five minutes is all they need to have in order to spark interest, and five minutes is needed to give a valid first impression. Our system is designed to allow you to recreate, redo, reevaluate, practice the questions before submitting. This way when you have to live up to the expectation that you have only one chance for a first impression you can at least put your best foot forward and be set up for success. The second interview is all virtual and will be past the initial are they interested stage. You would not be here if they were not. The tools associated with are designed to provide the platform for you to be successful. Every thought, design, process, and sacrifice was put in place to see people succeed. It is much like the old phrase goes. Give a man fish feed him a day, teach him to fish feed him a lifetime. Setting everyone up with the tools to provide a platform for success we get to help people achieve all those dreams, lifestyles, and put aside all the bureaucracy, and create professional working relationships that develop into careers. Keep your eyes open as always will be up and running soon. 

Where are the jobs?

I was recently asked about job postings how would we get the employers interested. Very good question. Truth be known that is all in the making. The idea that we are changing the whole system makes things more interesting. Many job postings, however play off one another feeding the same information through to their sites. In our case that will not work as we are in the business and mindset to change the broken process not fuel it. Our goal is to save time and money so feeding employment adds that do not fall under criteria in which we are requiring would be counter productive. When you feed a job posting their are questions that we will not be able to answer about those positions. Are they actually hiring? This is very important as we will not fill your spam box or inbox with countless adds that may have been close for a very long time. What are the salary requirements every position knows exactly what range it will pay in. It shouldn't be a secret nor with us will it be. You know what requirements you have and they know what requirements they are willing to pay so by informing from the start you eliminate the issue of me wasting your time on both ends. That add may or may not tell me if the position is flexible or set schedule hours of operation. This is important as you know when your availability is. There are many questions which can not be answered based off using a random add and can only be answered by the HR rep or business. So we will not be feeding anything as we are fighting with everything we have to bring forth change. A more productive approach the employment process. The idea is if I have all the job seekers then the employers and recruiters will come. One can not exist without the other. If you know any hr reps, recruiters, or businesses let them know about change help us change the process. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

What are your dreams?

The starting line is vastly approaching.... Watching an idea turn into a product, a product into a service, and a service into a lifetime. Creating is often referred to very big things however creation is something we often do on the side lines. Thursday the 27 of March 2014 our creation comes alive. I am very excited as the people I talk to in real life are just as ambitious as I am demanding for it to come alive. I watch far to many people looking for work with little to no resolve, people looking for positions that help them achieve their personal satisfaction. It's as the wise man said if you love what you do then you will never work a day in your life. What are your dreams, ambitions, goals, career opportunities, places in the world you desire to reside? Questions that often we find ourselves thinking or dreaming about. The real question is what is stopping you? Very soon their will be an avenue for people to have less of a gap between those dreams. We want you to fulfill those dreams. Bridge the gap between employers and employees, language, distance, and opportunity. Our motto has become changing the world one employee at a time. Which really boils down the corporate goal. For us the reason for creating this company was the overwhelming need for change. So all the tools have been put in place. So please pass the word change is here, Thursday it will come about, and we need your help to change the world as we are just a ripple with your help we can change it all. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Selling yourself is much like selling a car?

As I watch over my personal facebook at the thousands of blogs, posts, pictures of people hoping and expecting more. Life is amazing as it is something that many people wish upon or look at like it were almost a fairy tale. The greatest thing about life is that it is much like driving a car, obstacles will always be in the way, destinations will always be obtained whether it was your plan or not, your either in the driver seat or on the passenger side, but either way you will go somewhere. I find that many people now days wish for things, want for things, however the thing about life is that the whole entire design is a system in which it's aiming for you to fail. You become successful once you take the actions, make the sacrifices, and do what it takes to overcome those systems and obstacles. However the best part is it always boils down to you. In sales they say to project the image of success. Which in reality boils down to projecting the energy necessary to overcome obstacles. You have the tools, desire, will power, and you make the changes needed how could you ever loose? Then that world that people look for, hope, dream, and desire will become yours always. So in my dream of changing the way the employment process works I was asked why would anyone use video profiles, resumes, etc. My response was why wouldn't they? Energy can be projected through words however 90% is lost. If I am looking for a person to make me money. I want to know and feel their energy. I want to see what I am potentially hiring. It's much like selling a car. If I tell you about your favorite car the value is much lower than the value I am able to build by putting you inside the car, letting you see it, telling you what the vehicle will do for you, about it, and letting you feel the energy of the car by conducting a test drive. The reason the first 5 minutes gets you either hired, or in dates like I previously stated in other blogs is that they feel you and your energy. Giving a person the chance to actually sell them is the greatest gift I can possibly give the employment process. As an employer you should desire that option. After all each candidate you bring on cost you time, money, and potentially is make or break for you. You deserve the opportunity to feel them out, see them out, and determine off the best possible way that they are what you desire. 

What is in it for me?

I was asked recently this magical question what is in it for me? Very good question well depends? The reason I say depends is because it really depends on who you are; each will benefit ultimately the same way which is save time and money. It really boils down to the underlining factors of how? However I am glad you asked. If your a job seeker well you will still have to probably brush your teeth, put on a suit, nice shirt, tie, and the normal procedures as no matter how advance technology can get I have yet to figure out a way to substitute for professionalism. Maybe in a few years they will design a program that will hologram a suit on, but until then business as usual. Already you spend hours constantly reading through junk emails of positions that may or may not be hiring, adds that may or may not be hiring, reading over the company to prepare for if you get an interview, and fine tuning your resume and cover letter to match all the criteria they lay out in hopes to make it through the crawler. They say they need adobe photo shop exp, you say your familiar then grab a YouTube video, while downloading the trial version to get familiar. This is just one example. Then if you get the call back you are finding babysitters, taking time off, borrowing money, getting a ride, sitting in traffic, or any slue of events to sit inside a lobby waiting for the opportunity to just get five minutes with them and sell yourself. Now the idea is this will take only a few minutes 10-15 as the HR rep maybe running late, there are more people than you applying, when you leave the HR you either hear we will call you or be offered a drug test, traffic now might be lunch time or even worst rush hour and well your day is shot. This is great only if you were hired. If not well back the drawing board, time, money wasted. When you use when you apply for the position the first interview questions will be there. The reason is you will answer them in a video and submit along with the usual documents. When an employer views your resume they are seeing all your information that is vital and the 90% of communication added back into the equation with the 5 minute first interview. You know right then if they are interested or want to skip. If interested then they can set up a second interview virtually with up to 10 of their closest friends or other applicants. So what does it do for you? Well for starters you get to finally have the chance to sell yourself with your resume, secondly less driving, less traffic, can be done on almost any platform tablet, phone, computer, etc. Before you ever apply to a position you will know what it pays, hours operation, schedule whether fluctuating or set, benefits, saving as much time and money as humanly possible. And for employers based off what you read earlier that is how we save you time and money. Their are more things the site will have however you will have to check it out this week will be launch.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Finding employment like playing the lotto?

Change something we have heard many times... Change is good maybe not the change that someone may pitch, but change in itself is realizing some process or way of life is unproductive, damaging, or plain as simple broken.

Some of the greatest minds that ever lived were advocates of change. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Ghandi, the list really goes on and on. The change I want to initiate is the change in how we employ people. A process that over the years has only changed in really one fashion that more of the process is done online, the personal approach is gone, and the systematic keywords well they are flawed with crawler programs and HR Manager's clueless as to even who you are or possibly worst why your even there.

When you apply for a position the employer would like to think they are interviewing you. That seems very rational as you are the only one in front of them. However unlikely, each time you interview for a position they are interviewing you, and every single person effected by this decision. You have a lot riding on this moment. Your home, rent, car, children's education, health plans, and your future. You deserve at least five minutes of their time, or at least a valid chance to be heard, and to sell yourself.

Employers how many hours, days, weeks, months, and how much money have you wasted on ongoing searches for the right candidate. If you have an opening for a position it has been determined that this position is a necessity to grow, profit, or fulfill a need of the organization. The current process is much like playing the lotto. 1000's of resumes cycle through a program and bet on one of those candidates to be the right one. How many great candidates, how many people could have take your company to the next level have you missed because they may not have had the right keywords.

History is chalked full of examples of people when given five minutes of their time shown the world their true potential. It's time for change, change comes in one week Both sides owe it to themselves to embrace and help us initiate this change. After all what really do you have to loose?
Change something we have heard many times... Change is good maybe not the change that someone may pitch, but change in itself is realizing some process or way of life is unproductive, damaging, or plain as simple broken.

Some of the greatest minds that ever lived were advocates of change. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Ghandi, the list really goes on and on. The change I want to initiate is the change in how we employ people. A process that over the years has only changed in really one fashion that more of the process is done online, the personal approach is gone, and the systematic keywords well they are flawed with crawler programs and HR Manager's clueless as to even who you are or possibly worst why your even there.

When you apply for a position the employer would like to think they are interviewing you. That seems very rational as you are the only one in front of them. However unlikely, each time you interview for a position they are interviewing you, and every single person effected by this decision. You have a lot riding on this moment. Your home, rent, car, children's education, health plans, and your future. You deserve at least five minutes of their time, or at least a valid chance to be heard, and to sell yourself. 

Employers how many hours, days, weeks, months, and how much money have you wasted on ongoing searches for the right candidate. If you have an opening for a position it has been determined that this position is a necessity to grow, profit, or fulfill a need of the organization. The current process is much like playing the lotto. 1000's of resumes cycle through a program and bet on one of those candidates to be the right one. How many great candidates, how many people could have take your company to the next level have you missed because they may not have had the right keywords.

History is chalked full of examples of people when given five minutes of their time shown the world their true potential. It's time for change, change comes in one week Both sides owe it to themselves to embrace and help us initiate this change. After all what really do you have to loose?

Business 101

When it comes to business there is often a fine line between business as usual and greed. The economic rule of supply and demand always states demand dictates the price and price dictates the demand. So in business it can often be like a juggling act. However I have found that if you keep cost low, prices low, and the product great then the juggling act can be less of an issue. So when asked why is it only going to cost a job seeker one dollar for full access on Well simple the cost is low, product is amazing, and I want everyone to use it. When your looking for work the idea is that the job hunting is a necessary evil. Your funds are most likely becoming exhausted, making sacrifices, doing what you have to do. When it comes to employment you realize you must pay something. Whether it will be going to an interview, buying a tie, or maybe even a suit. Even though you really do not have the resources you will as the outcome will hopefully be greater than the cost. Even if your not actively looking still the cost of doing those things still play a role and hope for the exact outcome.  Our concept at Employme INC is that we want you to have the most amount of opportunity, doing our best to not limit anything, saving you time, money, and utilizing resources that our already readily available. We just want to maximize their potential by providing a platform for all of it to come together. One place to handle it all. Virtual resumes, interviews, conferences, no language barriers, and meant to help fight this dilemma of unemployment and broken dreams all throughout the world. Even employers are encouraged to post infinite amount of postings and their costs never changing. No limitations we are determined to exceed your expectations. We launch very soon change is here! Changing the world one employee at a time! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mission Statement of

Changing the world one employee at a time. This is more than just words to us we at employme Inc. want to create a more caring and innovative way of dealing with the employment process of today. By implementing a little care and allowing people to be who they are and let the best part of that be seen by the right people, rather than people who have been put in place to see if you have the right key words or the right format and don’t have any idea of what the job your applying for is about. We believe the time Is now, no more keyword, software programs or companies making decisions that affect your livelihood. Useless third party companies used to decide whether you meet the guidelines for a job and no more interview that are setup just to eliminate to many applicants. For all who are well aware being unemployed is the most vulnerable time in one’s life, there should be a level of respect maintain when looking for a job; we want to give that back to all our members. By creating a platform where employees can sell their self, show employers what they don’t see in their resume.   

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Next Level, Changing the world

I was recently asked why, why did you decide that the next level of business should be the employment sector? Simple question one would think, well even a story. This will make actually become my third business. With each business I took a greater understanding of the structure and even myself. The reason I chose this particular venture can be credited to realizing that this process has not change much in even the sixteen years I was in the market. I recently was in Australia and saw that this process that we eagerly embrace even with all of it's flaws is being practiced there. With the employment percentage growing, businesses still offering ample opportunities as long as you have the right timing, place, etc, people having to relocate, and people needing a fighting chance, becoming desperate and spirits being crushed. It was time for a change to happen. Being successful is not just having lots of money as that is merely a by product of success, but commencing a movement that forces people to change for the better is the reason for success. Everything in life changes, just look around you, why has not this process. We have all the technology in the world, ambition, creativity, and unlimited potential lets use it. Lets challenge ourselves, create inside us the fire to sell who we are, challenge the system that is built on inconsistencies, numbers, and keeps us unattached. Together by changing the system we can allow for opportunities to achieve our dreams. Pass along join us in our battle to overcome a system designed to keep you as a number, a face in a crowd, limiting your potential, and help us help you fulfill your dreams. Changing the world one employee at a time. One week!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The process

With Employme Inc launching in roughly a week after the review portion I find myself in a tangent looking for more amazing ways to promote the company. The thing about launching a company is that most of which you learn you learn from actually doing. From the paperwork to form a cooperation, advertising through the internet, establishing EIN, Duns, and Experian BIN. As we prepare for launch ensuring each and every aspect of the company is covered has been our focal point. Recently we ensured our place in search engines. You are able to find us in Google even on the first page. Not bad even though the link doesn't even have the website attached until next week. However look forward to all the success and the change this company will provide.

Monday, March 17, 2014


It is amazing watching your dream and imagination come true. Life is really made up of energy and imagination. The true fabrics of our lives. Very soon the platform will be set to use your energy and imagination while taking it to the next level. The world is hungry and I am bringing the buffet. The countdown has begun and each moment passing seems like an eternity in the delusion of time. However im very excited for everyone friends, family, and those I don't know personally to have the platform for them to soar. Helping people achieve their optimum potential has always been and will be the greatest goal I have. I look around and see unlimited potential untapped lets unleash it.

dreamhost review

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Change in one week

Waiting a game that I never been so efficient at. One week Employme Inc officially launches. We are looking forward to the opportunity to bridge the gap between employers and jobseekers. Its time for there to be a successful platform to unite the world. Distance no longer a hurdle, language, process will be rebuilt. Change that I know I have so longed for.... I know many others have to. The system is being brought down and rebuilt. Change is agmonst us. One week.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What makes us different?

I was asked recently several times what makes us different from our competitors. Well that is a loaded question. Well for starts I know your not a number. Instead you are a person, who has a family, who has dreams, and who has goals. I know your more than words on a piece of paper that tells a timeline of your life. I know your more than some information that gets cycled through a computer in hopes that maybe when you sit down in front of an interviewer they may of had the chance to even browse your hard work and effort. I am tired of watching people who are experienced, educated, with unlimited amounts of ambition, heart, and drive fall by the wayside due to a system that chalks productivity to crawler programs. Our company is designed to allow you an effective chance. To personalize the approach again. Our goal is not to just have you send out hundreds of resumes to fall through the cracks. Our goal is to provide you interviews and pitches to sale yourself. Putting the personal approach to the interview process back in while blending in the use of  technology. So what makes us different besides cost, putting you out there for companies to find, virtual interviews, profiles, eliminating all the game playing of the employment process, saving time and money and giving you a fighting chance to obtain what you desire. So my question is after you utilize Employme in one week you make the decision of what makes us different. 

Almost here!

One week will be the open launch for Employme. You will find in at the url in one week. We are very excited about the launch and am very thankful for all the support in our movement. Change is finally here and I am glad to see that so many people friends and family are so hungry for change and willing to help spread the movement. I will keep everyone posted on the launch I will need plenty of test accounts to make sure everything goes fully. Let me know if your in. Change is here.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Changing the world one employee at the time!

Change a word we hear ever so often. However an amazing word that is used once a person realizes that a system is broken, not working, or in need of alterations. Some of the greatest minds that ever lived were advocates of change. The great Reverend Martin Luther King was a advocate of change and his change was his dream of equality. It became a movement even one that still being fought for maybe not just color, but sex, religion, orientation, language, belief systems. Equality comes in many shapes and forms. I have a dream much like his. Equality in the opportunity to sell yourself, know your options, obtain your dreams, and maximize your life with opportunities. Right now the opportunities are reading through 100's of adds for positions that may or may not be hiring, crawler programs, keywords, resumes and cover letters that only show a timeline, and how could we ever have equality in this fashion. It's time for change and I need everyone's help join the movement to change everything in one week change will be here. Join the movement with us... 

Interviews much like first dates

Interviews much like first dates are determined usually in the first five minutes. Often referred to as the feeling someone out stage. How you are dressed, the way you hold yourself, confidence, what information you bring to the table that will allow for someone to become interested. The 30 min - 1 hour interview only matters if you made it past the first 5 mins. Then just like the horrible first date both parties continue to look the way out to use the infamous words we'll call you. With the first five minutes being so vital and our goal of limiting time wasted we want to provide those 5 mins and allow them to contact you for the remaining time they need. This provides a hunger for the company to know you. Less is often more in the world. I have seen it way to many times when I was selling products. So by creating a demand for you and knowledge of you we are able to match you up with the right tools to become successful in your endeavor. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I'm not in the market

I was recently asked what if I am not in the market? Fair question in many ways. My response was do you have everything you want, do you love your career and every aspect of it, is their something you dreamed of doing, have you analyzed and looked at every option. The answer was no. Just because you are not actively looking for a new position does not mean that in the back of your mind you are not curious. If an employer approached you and offered you better benefits, wage, hours, and location would you turn it down? They said no. So my question is are you in the market? The answer is obviously yes. Employme is not just for people looking for work actively however it will provide you the opportunity to sell yourself to those that may be interested to talk business. Life is really about growing and the reality of it all is that their may actually be something better out there for you. In the scope of things it really boils down to you and what is most important for you. Children's education, traveling, house, retirement, relocating to a more desired location, and the millions of things that effect your career decisions. In the end the only thing that matters is you.


I am really excited about the upcoming launch. The full intention of our company is to revolutionize the employment process. When 90% of communication is body language how can we ever become successful if we eliminate it and run purely off the remaining 10%? Time is often the greatest objection to change. However I must ask the question how much time, money, resources, and other factors are wasted if you continue without change? Especially in the employment arena. Higher managers, recruiters, meetings, interviews, flights, hotels, etc. The cost can be phenominal when you look at the overall picture. Is it worth at least checking out the new system seeing if those things can be decreased or eliminated. Follow us on

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How it all started...

The idea behind the launch of Employme was envisioned after I became tired of the normal run around, time lost, financial investment that comes along with job hunting. The countless hours of reading over company profiles, fine tuning resumes, looking for keywords, and hoping to get past the crawlers for the opportunity to finally be able to sell myself. The time has changed and look forward to changing this process so that we may all find amazing careers, employees, and put and end to the monotonous process that hinders our success. History is chalked full of people when given the chance even for 5 mins to sell themselves and show their potential they sore with eagles. You deserve that opportunity and we will provide it. When you employ someone you just added to the group one of your most valuable assets. When you arrive for an interview they are not just interviewing you. They are interviewing with every last person who is effected by this decision. With that being said about being the most important asset and the scope in which the employment decision how did we ever go so long with our current process of handling business. Help me change it all very soon the opportunity will be there. Like us on Facebook

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Employme Launch!

                    The launch of employee me is very soon. Finally job seekers and employers will have a productive approach to finding each other. No more keywords, no more web crawlers, just a personalize approach to weeding out the politics, after all the process of employing the right candidate can not be determined by a search engine but only through true communication.

Change! Finally it is here! Everyone talks about “WE NEED CHANGE”, but now it is finally here!

* Over 200 million unemployed in the world.

It's not an American, Russian, China, South American, Europe thing it's a Human thing.

* Children are suffering
* Futures are in limbo
* Dreams are not being full filled
* People working in jobs in which they aren't happy.
* Not being able to invest the time, resources, feeling powerless to change it.

In the world there is a broken process we use for employment, you fall between the cracks, become only a number and words on documents nobody reads. 

With over 150 million companies in the world today, how can finding our path, securing our future become so completely exhausting!

Help us change it all, give you the opportunity to succeed, the employer the opportunity to grow, remember when an interview is conducted they are interviewing with everyone that is effected by this decision. 

You deserve it! 

Like us on Facebook and follow us until launch.