Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mission Statement of

Changing the world one employee at a time. This is more than just words to us we at employme Inc. want to create a more caring and innovative way of dealing with the employment process of today. By implementing a little care and allowing people to be who they are and let the best part of that be seen by the right people, rather than people who have been put in place to see if you have the right key words or the right format and don’t have any idea of what the job your applying for is about. We believe the time Is now, no more keyword, software programs or companies making decisions that affect your livelihood. Useless third party companies used to decide whether you meet the guidelines for a job and no more interview that are setup just to eliminate to many applicants. For all who are well aware being unemployed is the most vulnerable time in one’s life, there should be a level of respect maintain when looking for a job; we want to give that back to all our members. By creating a platform where employees can sell their self, show employers what they don’t see in their resume.   

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