Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I was sitting on hold for a company today. The music was amazing;it sounded like soft techno, instrumental, with a hint of 90's feel. I was sitting there listening to this music and a scene flashed in my mind sitting on a couch in a VIP room, surrounded by friends, laughing, and talking about starting a band. I may have been even dancing a little not like a think you can dance kind of way or a dance off. More like a head bob kinda way with a little flow of the shoulders. The key was it was bringing a memory back in my head of good days. We all have had that time we sit and something triggers that memory, time, person, or place that we would refer as good days. How did that make you feel even for a second. We all deserve the good days. I want our company to be proud sponsors of good days and have the energy, feel, hope, and desire to bring back the good days. Lets no longer be reminded of the good days, but lets always live the good days. Register now, submit jobs, help us grow that we may fuel the change needed to break down the monotony and usher in the good days. So that each song we hear, each picture we look at, each place we visit, each family member and friends smile, every single second of our life we are truly living are the good days.